Remove the mask


Just as others have no idea what’s going on in your life, you have no idea what’s really going on in theirs, so it serves no positive purpose to compare yourself and worry about what others are doing. You’re unique. You can only be you. Chances are they’re probably comparing themselves to you!
Here are steps for you to live a life of happiness and become the best version of yourself and stop pretending

1. Be honest.
the problem and the pain will surface ten-fold. If you’re not coping, admit to yourself that you’re not. This shows great strength.

2. Ask for help.
This isn’t a sign of weakness. Are others weak for coming to you for help? Why should you be different? Tell those who care about you that you’re not coping. Don’t struggle in silence.

3. Talk openly.
When you‘ve asked for help, share your feelings with someone you know and love who will listen without judgment or advice, or with a trained counselor.

Talking about how you feel and having someone listen can feel self-indulgent at first, but it’s a huge part of the healing process.

4. Learn to say no more often.
Maybe saying yes to everything and everyone makes you feel superhuman. But superheroes are works of fiction, and you don’t possess special powers.

When you’re saying yes to everything, who and what are you saying no to?

Try to do fewer things better rather than taking on so much that you beat yourself up for what you don’t achieve.

5. Rejoice and reward yourself for your achievements.
If you berate yourself for what you get wrong, then surely you have to take responsibility and take credit when you do something well.

6. Accept that perfection is impossible.
In a world of self-help and personal development, we’re bombarded with advice about always being positive and successful, and striving to be the best.

Strive to be the best that you can be, and be a realist. Just like me, you’re imperfect, you’re weak sometimes, you make mistakes, and you’re a work in progress.

Strive to be happy. Accept your weaknesses and you’ll be stronger for it.

7. Make time for you.
You fulfill many roles: parent, partner, businessperson, child, sibling, friend. Don’t lose sight of your needs and being you.

Give yourself permission to take time out for you and put you back on your to-do list. You’ll be more effective and happier in your other roles.

8. Start putting yourself first.
It’s not selfish. You’re important and you deserve better. So once you’re back on that list, work on moving yourself further up.

To look after others, you first have to look after yourself. The in-flight emergency procedure tells you to put on your own oxygen mask first before you help others with theirs.

9. Stop comparing yourself to others.
I’d wager that most people feel inadequate and overwhelmed.

if it is up to you the DO IT!!!

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