We are all equal lets end Colorism

Ever since it started it has seen many people put in graves and today in the 21st century it still exists, in-fact today we have taken it a step further and have pimped it and brought it closer In our homes. In the history of man, there have been fights over racial discrimination and we have seen how Dr Martin Luther King fought and the wars to stop between the black and white men. Nelson Mandela suffered and became an icon after the incarceration of the apartheid war. The Apartheid (1948 to 1994) in South Africa was the racial segregation under the all-white government of South Africa which dictated that non-white South Africans (a majority of the population) were required to live in separate areas from whites and use separate public facilities, and contact between the two groups.

Nelson Mandela once said “Overcoming poverty is not a task of charity, it is an act of justice but I also want to say overcoming colorism is not charity, it is an act of justice

In our homes, communities, and organizations we fight a new war and we do it and this war is making negative impacts on other people’s lives. We have become used to calling ourselves black people the nigger word but now we have a new for racism we have seen the new form of racial discrimination filling the streets like 

a drug and it separating families faster and living people with low self-esteem and bleaching. Colorism is the new form of racism.

In the famous words of Nelson Mandela, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Let us educate each other as families and as black people to call each other by names not by our skin tone or by color for all colors are beautiful. Dark skin is beautiful, light skin is beautiful

Colorism can cause emotional damage or mental damage to an individual. Loose of identity, abuse, Due to this wounded core belief, emotional distress and symptoms like depression, hopelessness, loss of motivation, and lack of interest in activities may occur. We are all beautiful in all forms of skin color. 

The terms “brown” and “dark” have distinct connotations for different individuals. The “brown” skin may be used to refer to all persons of color, whereas “dark” skin may be used to describe someone darker than others.

You see there is a lot of people trying to change their skin tone or color, There has been a huge rise of man and woman bleaching using products and they end up being depressed and being slaves to these products and the idea of changing their skin color. I hear in workspaces of light-skinned privileges and dark-skin privileges, a certain type of skin tones up for promotion. Why are we enslaving ourselves?

Do not judge me by my skin tone whether I am black, skinned, or light but rather judge me based on my competence I am black and skilled. Let us be comfortable in our skin and let’s be free from this racial classification. Let’s teach our children and our young people in collages that all skins are beautiful. Let us be free from this skin racial black to black racism, it was built to tear us apart.

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