A story is told of great king who had a great kingdom. This kingdom was built on top of a hill and they were a lake full of crocodiles around it. This king had one daughter only. The king had everything he wanted, a great army, riches and loyal servants. His daughter was at the marrying age so he decided he wanted a good husband for his daughter.  The king had an idea.
He sent word out to the other kingdom for the bravest man. Because it was an open invitation from all the corners of the kingdom  came, Nights, Noble man, Princes, smiths, tall, short, black, white and dark people all came. Upon gathering the king said “I will put you to a test and whoever passes will marry my daughter and will leave in royalty”. The test was to cross the lake full of crocodiles and go to the other side unhurt.
It all looked easy until they started to execute. The man took turns to jump into the water and try to fight off the crocodiles. Some man tried to look for longer sticks to cross the lake with but the water worked against them and they got eaten buy the crocks.
Among the audiences was a certain man who got push by mistake and he fell into the lake by the people also watching. How many times have you been pushed to do something you do not like yet it is to your advantage? He successful crossed the lake and was a shouting out of anger that “who pushed me”. He married the kings beautiful daughter and he lived in royalty. Nothing happens by accident. Sometime we are too scared to do something because of our esteem and lack of finances or something but all we just need is someone who will just push in doing it.

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